venus-freeze-news-imageFACIAL REJUVENATION WITHOUT SURGERY: The human body stops producing elastin by reaching physical maturity, shortly after puberty is when the aging process begins. Without a re production of elastin, collagen begins to lose its elasticity and weaken. The loss of tone and resilience of the skin are the most common visual signs of aging. Facial expressions, in addition to the general activities of the body begin to stress the collagen and spent time wrinkles and sagging skin appear.
Venus Freeze treatment represents a revolution in aesthetic devices aparatology high technology that can reduce the appearance of aging. Freeze and technology Venus (MP2), using proprietary algorithms for a way to combine electromaganetics therapy pulses (PEMF) and a matrix sandwiched bipolar thermal energy • D Radiofruencia (RF) for lkas deeper layers of the skin and underlying tissue. This technology along with the heat that accompanies it, penetrate deep into skin layers. This infiltration dramatically increases the clinical effectiveness and produces almost immediate results.
Venus Freeze is a painless, non-surgical technology that is able to firm the skin of the face and body, reduce cellulite, reducing the appearance of facial wrinkles and provide a reduction in volume of the body.

Cellulite is a term used to refer to the dimples that appear on the skin due to fat deposits that are just below the surface of the skin, most commonly on the thighs, buttocks, hips and sometimes the abdomen. The fat deposits are separated by strands of collagen fibers. Factors such as genetics, hormones, diet, lifestyle and even clothing can contribute to cellulite. Although it appears both men and women, cellulite is more common in the female population.
As Venus Freeze gets rid of cellulite
An effective treatment for cellulite reduction, collagen production, reduce fat mass and improve blood circulation in skin. Venus Freeze treatments and innovative technology to work effectively reduce cellulite with scientifically proven results,
Venus Freeze intensely heated and even the subdermal layer of skin where cellulite is located. The penetrating heat is applied to accumulations of fat to produce collagen and stimulate blood circulation, reducing the appearance of cellulitis almost immediately.

Dirección / Address

Dra. Judith Sam Verdin
Edificio Pabellón Caribe
SM 19, MZA 2, Av. Nichupte # 22
Planta Baja Local 10
Cancún, Quintana Roo 77500

Teléfono / Telephone

Call us / Llamanos: 998-884-5775
Emergency / Urgencias: 998-159-4911

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